Learn the Light, Medium and Deep Trance States of Channeling – 2 Day Online Workshop

SOLD OUT  Next live is Sept 28th and 29th 2024

Over 9 Hours of Training

Value of over $1200 Now for just $388!!



Learn the Light, Medium and Deep Trance States of Channeling – 2 Day Online Workshop
Online – July 27th & 28th 12 p.m. pst to 4 p.m. pst both days.

This will be a 2 day Online Extensive workshop learning the light, medium and deep Trance States of channeling. You will learn and practice these stages of channeling in this workshop, as well as having a personal 90 minute one on one training following the workshop.

In this workshop we will go over:

Day 1

1: Create Intent, and calling in your Gatekeeper.

2: Clearing Energy and getting into alignment with the energy of intention.

3: Types of Channeling and Trance State

4: Meditation to connect with your Spirit and Star-seed Teams/Families.

5: Discussion on the levels of Channeling and the different ways to reach them.

6: Practicing what we have discussed in the Medium level of the spectrum.

7: Review the practice and do Q&A on the practice.

8: If time allows, we do another round of practice and discussion.

(Breaks will also be provided)

Day 2

9. Quick review and follow up questions from the day before.

10. Set the energy and intentions for the day.

11. How to trust your channel as you go into the deep channel state.

12. Meditation on calling in your channel (with Gatekeeper in place)

13. Accessing your channel and merging with their energy.

14. Practice the deep spectrum of channeling.

15. Review Practice and do Q&A on the practice.

16. If time allows, we do another round of practice and discussion.