Tune in tonight for some Past life talk and how a past life regression can help you in everyday life!
Wednesday Morning show 10-25-2017
Calling in the Miracles!
Join in live at 7 a.m. pst / 10 a.m. est
Wednesday Morning Show 10-18-2017
Something Brewin’ – Let’s get Crazy!- Live Readings
Cherry Divine and Tracie Mahan will be talking about all the crazy things we do in life and what we expect the outcome to be.
Find me on Patreon for exclusive videos, meditations and Regressions.
So recently I made a decision to let go of my office space in Hillsboro and become more virtual. In the process of doing that I have learned of a wonderful site that helps people like me, and you. I have a service I would like to share with the world, and this site can help me do that while still getting paid. Now, the idea is to get a large following so that the prices can stay very small. (so share this please) By small I mean as low as $2 a month. This site is called Patreon. I will be offering 3 different levels on Patreon and with each level you get more and more. Come check it out. Better yet, FOLLOW ME!! Go on meditations, regressions and watch fun video (when possible) of interviews with special guests that you will only find on this site by me. Exclusive posts for the Patrons of my page. 🙂
Here is the link, come check it out. ..and Please share with your friends.
Energy Healing Sessions through Oct 31st., 2017
Everyday we are impacted with energy, some good, some not so good. There are times when that energy can grab on and make chaos in our lives. This session is designed to scan and look for things that do not belong in your energy field. …then clear it. Once the clearing is done we will rebuild that space with a much more desired energy, that serves you much better.  Email for a session [email protected] Put HEALING SESSION in caps in the subject line.
*Sessions are via phone or video.
Monday Night Oct 12th 6 p.m. pst / 9 p.m. est
I will be talking with Psychic Debbie Griggs about Ghosts, Spirits and Other Dimensions! Psychic Debbie will also be doing live Psychic readings in the second half of the show.
Past Life Regression Special! $75
October is such a great month to do a little time traveling. Lets look at some past lives, nothing like checking out the skeletons in the closet. 😉 With an hour session it is possible to view up to 3 past lives, depending on how long the viewing of each lifetime is. Lots can be gained from viewing past lives, healing, understanding, knowledge, forgiveness, release anxiety and fear… the list goes on and on. Contact me today to set up your session. (email me at [email protected])
Wednesday Morning Oct 11th
Monday Night- Oct 9th
Wednesday Morning Oct 3rd.
Does the Universe always provide for us?