Is your stubbornness robbing you of a good life?
Look at your life today and see where you might be holding grudges, standing your ground, being strong, saying NO, and just plan ole not doing what you truly would rather be doing, because of an old belief system that is causing you to be stubborn. What if there were no rules? What would happen if you decided to let that grudge go? Say yes? Forgive? Go play? Even just reading it feels better, doesn’t it? Give it a try today. Find the places in your life where you are stopping yourself from living.
As we bring in this new year, we are also experiencing some very powerful and new energy and awakenings. The Mercury retrograde is coming in to help us usher out the old ways and open the door for the new ways to come in. We are only on day 2 of the retrograde and let me tell you, it is going to work in big ways. Remember to breathe through the rougher moments and to help others do the same. One of my biggest messages right now is that we all need to be supportive and helpful to each other! Things can get hard as we are moving through some of this energy so keep yourselves in check with this and remember to have some compassion for others who may not know what it is they are going through.
Softly fades away 2015 as we reflect on a year of challenges, triumphs, love, loss, ups, downs and everything in between. Welcoming now a new year before us, we are wiser, stronger and we are masters at manifesting. Bring your dreams into reality with your faith and trust in our beautiful Universe, God, spirit and of course yourself. You live in a world that supports you. Say it every day, and so it is. Happy New Year’s eve! Cut the cords that bind you and set yourself free.
Remember that life can be like the seed. Once the seed is planted it starts to grow underground, but you are not able to see what is happening, you just have to have faith that it is growing and that it will become the plant it was intended to be. Our dreams are like the seed, often times there is so much going on to create the dream but it is all “underground” where we can not see it just yet. Keep the faith that your dream is growing into a reality and you will see the evidence of this soon.
Energy Expansion Healing Therapy Class
Next class January 23rd, 2016
This group is designed to work with people at all levels of healing abilities. Those who have done Reiki and beyond to those who are just starting out. It is the perfect class for beginners as well as anyone just looking to add to their skill set.
In this group we will Do a light hypnotic journey to lifetimes as healers. Learn about Energy and Auras. Tapping stuck energy. Sound and vibrational healing. …and so much more.
This is a very HANDS ON class and there will be practice time with each new technique introduced. Working with Energy is such a natural and instinctual thing to do, but when doing it with intention that adds a whole new level of excitement and healing.
All fees will be required to be paid upfront. To get signed up for the next class please Email me at [email protected] for details. Please make the subject line; Energy Expansion Class. Thank you.
A Certification of completion will be given at the end of the day.
Limit of 6 people.
Fee: $100
Day: Saturday January 23rd, 2016
Place: 2251 NE Cornell Rd. Hillsboro Or 97124
Time: 9 a.m. to 4p.m.
Wear comfortable clothes and bring snacks to energize through out the day.
a Lunch break will be taken at the half way point.
There are always moments when we feel uncertain in life or things around us are hard to explain. God is always there, call on God and your Angels to help you get through the times in your life that you struggle with and find hard to understand. There will come a time when clarity will come and understanding will be had. Hang In there. You are loved.
There are days where we would just rather throw in the towel then to go one more minute, but I am here to tell you, YOU CAN DO IT! God is bringing you victory in your battles. Remember that sometimes when we feel it the least God is working the hardest. This is your time to shine. Victory is yours.
What would the world be like if we were able to preview each response we give, and work out our answers to the other person before actually responding? Making it so we find the proper response for the outcome we truly desire. Wouldn’t that be amazing? Well, I think we can work towards that each day by watching our response to others, hold back from reaction and take a moment to think it through, and of course, Call in your Angels to help you find just the right thing to say so you respond in love.
We all go through times where there are large amounts of change in our lives. If you are currently going through a big change then this message is for you. Trust in the process, what doesn’t feel comfortable right now will make complete sense to you soon. The changes you are going through are leading you to a positive outcome.
To go deeper within ourselves can be intimidating. Looking at our shadow selves and finding our honesty and true nature as well as our light selves and where we shine and succeed. The energy that is around us now, and for the last 2 months, has been bringing us on this journey. Finding our True Selves, both in the areas we thrive in and in the areas we try not to see. It is time now to open to all parts of who you are. Jump in and say hello to your authentic self. Acknowledge the pieces you have been hiding from and embrace it all. This is when it all comes together and your Truth will come out.