October Specials

October is one of my favorite months of the year. The colors are all so beautiful and the weather brings in the warm cozy fires in the fireplaces as well as snuggling up to a good book or movie. Still time to relax before the holidays set in. …So I wanted to put out some specials that would be fun and easy for everyone. I created a special that should fit the budget as well as give insights and direction. I hope you all enjoy your fall weather and join me for a special reading. Message me here if you would like to schedule something.

Something Brewin’ this Wednesday morning!
Back to our original time of 7 a.m. pst/10 a.m. est.

This Monday Oct 3rd, 2016. Join us live at

Angel Message: As the vibration in each individual raises, that takes them out of fear. As the fear is released and no longer a threat to the person, that is when God can truly step in with guidance and love. Letting go of the fear is what will bring your vibration up, and allow for a new connection with source that you have never known before. Know that this is waiting for you. If you are in fear in any area of your life right now, take a moment to step out of that fear, rise above it and allow for God to step in.

You may be facing a challenge right now in your life, there are lessons in these moments and things we can learn in the experience. Ask God and the Angels to come help you see what it is the experience is bringing you. Be open to taking some steps that might be different than you would normally take. Be ready to forgive situations that in the past you would not have forgiven, and be open to a beautiful change that is ready for you when you do this.