Journeys A Center for Your Soul -Halloween Psychic Fair
Join in this Sunday for a full day of readings and healing.
805 Liberty St NE Suite 2, Salem, Oregon 97301
Sunday at 11 AM – 4 PM
Hypnotherapist, QHHT Level 3 Practitioner and Conscious Channel
Journeys A Center for Your Soul -Halloween Psychic Fair
Join in this Sunday for a full day of readings and healing.
805 Liberty St NE Suite 2, Salem, Oregon 97301
Sunday at 11 AM – 4 PM
Energy Expansion Healing Therapy Class
Next class November 19th, 2016
This group is designed to work with people at all levels of healing abilities. Those who have done Reiki and beyond to those who are just starting out. It is the perfect class for beginners as well as anyone just looking to add to their skill set.
In this group we will Do a light hypnotic journey to lifetimes as healers. Learn about Energy and Auras. Tapping stuck energy. Sound and vibrational healing. …and so much more.
This is a very HANDS ON class and there will be practice time with each new technique introduced. Working with Energy is such a natural and instinctual thing to do, but when doing it with intention that adds a whole new level of excitement and healing.
All fees will be required to be paid upfront. To get signed up for the next class Email me at [email protected] for details. Please make the subject line; Energy Expansion Class. Thank you.
A Certification of completion will be given at the end of the day.
Limit of 6 people.
Fee: $125
Day: November 19th, 2016
Place: 2251 NE Cornell Rd. Hillsboro Or 97124
Time: 9 a.m. to 4p.m.
Wear comfortable clothes and bring snacks to energize through out the day.
a Lunch break will be taken at the half way point.
Join me as I am a guest on Frontier Beyond Fear, a Blog Talk Radio show hosted by Susan Larison Danz. 7 p.m. PDT
Join in live Wednesday Morning for Something Brewin’ with Cherry Divine and Myself. 7 a.m. PDT on Blog Talk Radio.
Happy Hour tonight. 6 p.m. pst / 9 p.m. est
I know sometimes it doesn’t feel like you have time to just pause, but it is important to do so daily. Or even multiple times a day. If we forget to pause and check in with ourselves and with God/creator, then we are getting our priorities out of balance. I think you will find, once you pause and check in, visit even with that higher part of you, that the rest of your day will smooth out and go much easier. You may even find out that slowing down helps eliminate the chaos. Happy Monday everyone. Have a great time pausing.
Meet your Spirit Guides / Meditation
Wed Oct 26 at 06:00 pm PDT
This is a meditation to meet your Spirit Guides and to get messages from them.
TONIGHT at 7 p.m. pst/10 p.m est, on the Special Edition show I will be interviewing International Psychic Debbie Griggs. Debbie is known for her work with Celebrities, with the police department on missing cases, and as a Medical intuitive and so much more. I look forward to bringing this amazing soul to the show and sharing her with all of you.
Debbie has kindly offered to also do live readings during the show!! She is requesting that all the listeners who would like a reading please be prepared to post a picture in “The Chat Room” so she can tune in quick and easy. This includes Pictures of your pet if you would like her to read your animal. ONE READING PER PERSON.
There are 7.5 billion versions of reality co-existing at the same time. No two versions alike, and all being carried out at the exact same time. You are an original, and so is your reality. See your world as peaceful, loving, friendly and a world that supports you. You are the co-creator in your story, find the joy in each moment and create a happy reality.
Sat Oct 15 at 10:00 am PDT
This will be a group mediation on raising your vibration to the 5th dimension of consciousness.