January Workshop / only 3 spots left.

Psychic Intensive Workshop at McMenamins Grand Lodge

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Welcome to your passport to all things metaphysical. Want to learn how to tune into the loved ones around you? Get messages form your Angels and Guides? Tap into other peoples energy and give them a reading? Know the difference between what is your thoughts and what is spirit speaking to you? ….and so much more!!! That is what we will be doing in this workshop. Very interactive, with guided meditations, exchanges and readings throughout the whole day.
What better place to explore the possibilities than the McMenamins Grand Lodge in Forest Grove?! An exciting atmosphere for learning what exists beyond us and how to communicate with those higher vibrational beings such as Angels, Guides and Crossed over loved ones.

This event will be held on Saturday January 28th, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

This class will be catered for Breakfast and Lunch. Included in the price of class.

There is Lodging available to anyone who would like to make this a fun weekend adventure. Lodging and meals outside of class are the responsibility of each individual.

I will be staying at the Lodge Friday night and Saturday night. Any participants that would like to join me for dinner and conversations either of those nights are welcome to do so. It would be fun to keep the energy going through the whole weekend.
To book a room please contact the Grand Lodge at: 503-992-9533
Or go to their webstie: http://www.mcmenamins.com/55-grand-lodge-room-rates

Information on how to get signed up.
Please email me at [email protected]

Where: Grand Lodge McMenamins in Forest Grove. 3505 Pacific Ave, Forest Grove OR 97116
When: January 28th, 2017
Time: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Cost: Early bird sign up, $155 per person if signed up and paid for by Jan 10th. After the 10th $175.

Host: Tracie Mahan

December 1st

I will be welcoming Andrew Sem back on The Special Edition show with me, to talk more about the energy body and our connection to the earth, and each other.

Let go of the limiting beliefs.

Time to look at where you limit yourself. Is it in love? Work? Play time? Family and Friends? Faith? Yourself? Maybe the limits are in all these areas? ..or maybe none? Or maybe 1 or 2 or something not listed here? Check in today and see if you have limits you would like to move out of the way. Call in your Angels to help you with this clearing work, and know that anything is possible. It is time for you to shine!

Wednesday Morning

Something Brewin’ Radio show!
Tune in live tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. pst / 10 a.m. est.