What kind of amazing adventures have we all been on? One client went into a lifetime of being a merman, and what it was like to swim and breathe under water. Described a beautiful underwater city and being in a classroom learning. There is magic everywhere, sometimes we just have to close our eyes to see it. 😉 #Pastliferegression #QHHT #QuantumHealingHypnosisTechnique
5 Card pull for November
Meditation on a full moon.
Today, while meditating about the full moon, I asked the moon what kind of changes are you bringing me? Then in my minds eye I could see the moon acting like a vacuum, and pulling off all of these particles off of me and out of me, that are no longer useful. Old thoughts, beliefs, attachments, fears and so on, that are not conducive to what I am doing as I move forward. What a neat image to see. I did my best to recreate it below. 🙂
During a Channel this happened…
This is one of my favorite guides in my life. Lord Ganesha. Yesterday, while doing a channel for a friend, She had asked a question for me, next thing I know Lord Ganesha is right in front of me, Like in my face. I could feel myself trying to look around him and he wasn’t having it. He kept moving right in front of me. Like 2 inches from my face. So I let go of my resistance, that I was apparently having, and relaxed into it. Next thing I know he merges into my body and sits in my chair over top of me, or merged with me, however you want to see it. I found the extra set of arms and trunk to be funny, but I liked the energy of confidence, calm and peace that he brought to me. So to the patron of writers, travelers, students, commerce, and new projects (for which he removes obstacles from one’s path) I welcome you and hope you will stay a while. <3
The Soul’s Edge 10.11.18 with guest Tracie Mahan
Blog of a session
I recently submitted a blog on QHHTOfficial site. It was one of my sessions. If you are interested in taking a look here is the link.
A Beautiful Morning
Every morning I like to spend time meditating and praying under my pyramid. The last couple mornings have been beautiful and sunny out, such an added bonus. As I looked toward the sun today I could see yellows and reds coming off the sun. To my surprise I caught the reds on the camera. ❤ #magicalworld #Godseye
Hypnosis Healing Session
Today, while working with a client, I had her in a regression and we were working on healing emotional wounds, when all of the sudden as I had called in the healing workers from the higher vibrations, I started seeing an orange light on her body with my physical eyes. It would hover in the area they were working on her. I was able to tell her what they were working on, and then where they moved once done with that spot. When the session was over she asked me “How did you know where they were working on me? I could feel them working on me, then you would tell me that same exact spot!” Yes, I love my work. Thank you Spirit.
Thursday 10-11-2018
10 a.m. pst / 1 p.m. est I will be a guest on The Soul’s Edge with host Jeanette Dames.
Tune in live @ www.beaconoflightradio.com