The Magic is Real.

For the last few months I have felt Jesus come through very strongly. I know others have felt it too. In August I went to the Great Passion Play in Arkansas and the energy there was amazing. Now I see Jesus in the sky. I take it as a sign for us to hand things over that we are struggling with, and to forgive ourselves and others for thing in the past. It is time to heal, and I think 2019 will be an amazing year for beautiful healing. Ask Jesus for help.

Image may contain: 1 person, cloud, sky, ocean, outdoor and nature

Beautiful Ascensions Activation Sessions

I have had some amazing Ascension sessions lately, with incredible images coming through. From magical forests, to glowing Lotus flowers that hold healing powers. Incredible energy shifts and stepping into healing and empowerment. Even the animals are making a showing at these sessions. We have had the wisdom and insight of the owl, the gentle force of the Dragon and even the keen eye and focus of the tiger. A wonderful experience to be a part of. Facilitating such a journey has been pure delight. #Lovemywork #LifeIsMagical