Past life as a follower of Jesus… take a listen.
5 Card Pull/Reading with a Faery Twist! Jan 14th to 18th!
QHHT Session
So yesterday, when I showed up at the office, this cloud was just outside the front door. (I played with the contrast on the first one, love how the light comes out of the cloud as if shinning from the inside!”
I joked with my client and said “THEY’RE HERE!!!” then we went inside. We decided to ask about the clouds when she was in her QHHT session, just for fun. It turns out both the Sirian’s and the Pleiadians showed up to talk with her. When asked about the cloud, they said, that is how we let you know we are around! I asked if it was a ship and the answer that came back from the Sirian was “Yes, it is us.”
#TheMagicIsReal #Lifeisfun #LoveMyLife
Quantum Healing Hypnosis!
QHHT session where the past life was one of being a follower of Jesus. Spending a lifetime sharing Jesus’s teachings after the Crucifixion. Witnessing the return of Jesus as well. Wonderful energy and getting to feel Jesus’s love.
Quantum Research Enlightenment QHHT Stories with Jason Ballay and Tracie Mahan
5 card pull/reading for January 7 to 11 2019
Dream the big dream then dig in your heals, focus and make it happen. This venture may take some courage on your part but if you are willing to release some old feelings around creating your dreams from the past, you will have a big shift and things will fall into place. Go make your dreams come true!
5 Card Pull / Reading for the 5th & 6th Lunar Eclipse weekend.
Ascension Activation Session
When taking the Ascension activation journeys we never know, until we are in it, who will be guiding the way. For this particular journey it was the Dragon. As the client entered into the world of the dragons, she was greeted as if she was well known there. All the dragons were acknowledging her and making noise as she passed by. We asked, “why is this happening?” …The answer, she was once a dragon herself. They remembered her. What a touching and moving moment that was.
When we open our minds to the possibilities, the world becomes a very magical and wondrous place. #themagicisreal
Lots of energy waves coming into the planet right now.
How are you sleeping???
Some may answer this as GREAT! Others might say WHAT SLEEP?! We have some strong waves of energy coming in right now. For some you may be up all night thinking about ever little aspect of life, while others can barely keep their eyes open. These waves are moving us into a higher consciousness. They are bringing in frequencies that our bodies and minds are integrating into our beings. You could say it is a DNA upgrade, and some might call it Re-coding our programs. Either way, it affects us physically when we adjust to the new waves coming in. Drink lots of water, get rest where possible, meditate or pray for some clarity, and do your best to enjoy the ride. Life is good and getting better every day.
Ascensions Activation Session
When you take a journey to the soul, very magical things will happen. Seeing your true self can be one of those things. The other day, while in session, I had a client who was shown her true self in the “Star Person” energy. It was a very magical and high vibrational experience. There are many versions of who we truly are, and when we are ready we will be shown more. I am always so honored to be part of such a journey.