My Magical Day

Today’s magic was something else. A beautiful hawk sitting outside my window at the office, and later a herd of Elk in a field nearby. The world is always taking too us, we just have to slow down and listen. A good lesson for me today. ❤ #TheMagicIsReal #lifeisgood

Image may contain: grass, outdoor and nature

Image may contain: one or more people and outdoor

Ascension Activation Session

Colors carry a Frequency. In an Ascension Activation session I asked the client to tell me what color she was seeing. She responded with Purple. I then asked her to move her vibration above purple, what color does she see now? ….an Indescribable color came through for her. A frequency she was not familiar with in our world. Then she was activated at this frequency and given the codes to bring this energy back with her. #NewEarth #TheMagicIsREal #PowerUP

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Ascension Activation Session

Today’s ascension journey took us deep into the forests of the Dragon Realm. My client had many lifetimes there, and was very connected to the magic of this land. At one point, she remembered being one of the human like people living there. She was living in a house that would expand as she needed it too, just from an intention. The rooms would get bigger or smaller as needed. Creating from focused thought. It was an amazing journey. #TheMagicIsreal #LoveMyJob #Dragons

Image may contain: outdoor, nature and water

Channeling With Tracie Mahan

In this video, we talked about how we are getting to the next shift, a new wave of energy for the event.

We received answers for the #BlueGlow in the night sky of #NewYork City – Queens area how it’s part of the shift and new frequency.

We talked about the loud #Booms in #OHIO and how it deals with the shift and the energy waves

Tracie is a Level 2 QHHT practitioner, Ascension Activator, Channeler, Psychic Reading and more.
Please visit Tracie Mahan’s website for more information about her Services:
Tracie Mahan’s YouTube Channel:
Jason Ballay’s YouTube Channel:

#theshift #theevent #channeling #newwaveenergy #orion #imperial