In today’s QHHT session the client remembered a life as a shape shifter. She spent most of her time as a person, but when needed she could shift into a dragon. Her mother was the Queen or leader of the people, and at one point to save and protect the people, she had used up all her dragon power. In doing so this turned her color to white. It was a huge sacrifice, but one she was willing to make. A very magical life to remember, and one that now I will not forget either. #TheMagicIsReal #Dragons #QHHT
5 Card Pull/Reading for March 11th to 15th Tarot/Oracle
Ascension Activation Session
I haven’t posted about a session in a while… I think it is time! 😉
Today was a most amazing and beautiful session. As we got started, my client was sensing someone to her right. As we tuned in, to our surprise, it was an Elf. Not a loved one, like we would have thought. So the elf had come to take her on a journey. This was not how the sessions was intended to go, but we were both excited to see where it would lead us! There was a powerful journey to visit a land she once came from, and she learned of how she came to the human form and the earth experience to represent the Elf and fairy land and community. She was of high standing in this world and they were thrilled to greet her and remind her of who she was. What a blessed day it was. Then of course, we brought in her dragon and continued the journey to other realms.
Morel of the story is, be open to where spirit wants to take you and Magic can and Will happen. #TheMagicIsReal #LifeIsGood
5 card Pull/Reading for March 8th to the 10th. Tarot/Oracle
Meaning of Numbers 111/444/500/700 Part 2 of 2 for 02.27.19
Timelines and Dreams, discussion from the Arcturians – Part 1 of 2 for Feb 27th 2019
5 Card Pull/Reading for March 4th to 8th. Tarot/Oracle Reading
Looking for Love? …then you should watch this weeks reading!!
5 Card Pull/Reading for Feb 26th to March 3rd. Tarot/Oracle
Ascension Maps, Light Codes, Ascension Guide
Conscious Life Expo Los Angeles Feb 22nd to 24th
In L.A. and got to kick off the day with these two magical wonders! Excited to collaborate about the expo with Kaya Wittenburg and Julia Cannon! #TheMagicIsReal #lifeisgood