OYM Radio from Ireland (Open Your Mind)
I was on OYM radio today. Brought in the Arcturian Channel and answered audience questions.
5 Card Pull/Reading for 3-25 to 3-29-2019 Tarot/Oracle
5 Card Pull/Reading for March 22nd-24th Tarot/Oracle
What are Angels, Guides, Guardians and Councils? Channel of the Arcturians
5D Earth vs 3D Earth – some things about the New Earth
5 Card Pull/Reading for 3-15 to 3-17-2019 Tarot/Oracle
Ascension Activation Session
In today’s ascension session the healing space was held on a crystal mountain. What a magnificent space to hold healing. The energy was pure magic. #Lovemyjob #TheMagicIsReal #AscensionActivation
Coming Soon OYM Radio Interview
March 24th I will be on OYM (Open Your Mind) Radio based in Ireland. More info to come!
Ascension Session
In today’s ascension session the client was guided into the water, then brought to a secret entry way which lead to an underwater city, which appeared to be GOLD. It was beautiful and breathtaking. As the Channel I was able to see, and feel this space, and it took my breath away. #TheMagicIsReal #FeelingBlessed #Ascension