Ascension Activation Session & a Reading

Today’s sessions had a theme. First it was an Ascension session, where we went to the Oregon coast, (not physically, but in the session) and out in the ocean were Whales calling to the client. These were not ordinary Whales, they had come through a portal, from another dimension, and brought her back with them to see their world. A very magical place to see.
Then my very next session, the client was connected to whales, and would swim with them. They are very much a magical being on our planet. To tune into them today was such an honor.
#TheMagicIsReal #WhalesRock

Image may contain: swimming, ocean, water and outdoor

Quantum Healing Hypnosis

The last 2 QHHT sessions took us on adventures to other planets, and to beings that were helping with the Earth’s Ascension process. Sending the earth compassion and frequencies through sacred geometry, that would heal the planet and those who live here. Beautiful sessions. Interesting lifetimes. Clarity on their purpose for being here in their current lives, and what their purpose is.

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