The key to your light is within
This workshop is the beginning of a soul repair series.
As I was meditating on this workshop I was told that it is a series to prepare us for the next level of information and activations that will be coming in.
To set our energies so they are receptive to the next influx of waves and downloads.
It is important for us to step into loving ourselves and knowing we are all worthy of great things.
When you purchase this workshop you will initiate the onset of your journey to soul repair and self love. You will be telling the Universe, your guides and your higher self that you are ready for what comes next.
It is a very exciting time ahead.
St. Germain’s Hidden Treasure and Sacred Text
Your Transformations has opened doors- 5 card pull/reading
Recording of a live segment with Arcturian Daniel and Friends, channeled by Tracie Mahan
Your Unique self is needed now! -Channeled Segment with Arcturian Daniel and friends
Is Freewill getting in the way? 5 card pull/reading
The magic loophole- Channeled segment by Arcturian Daniel and Friends
Online Workshop June 5th
The key to your light is within
This 1 hour online workshop is the beginning of a soul repair series. You do not need to attend all the workshops in this series, or do them in any order, it is just part of a series to heal and love yourself more.
Now is a time to step into loving ourselves and knowing we are all worthy of great things. Signing up for this workshop will started your journey to soul repair and self love.