Online workshop July 10th 2 p.m. Pacific time

Discovering Love Through the Pain
Online workshop
In this workshop Daniel will bring the group through a transition from pain to love. Bringing light to why it is important being with, an honoring, the feelings that are coming to surface. The design of this workshop is to go as deep as we possibly can with our truth, and find our way to selflove and worth. 

May be an image of one or more people and text that says 'Discovering Love Through the Pain July 10th at 2 p.m. pacific time 1 Hour Online Workshop with Arcturian Daniel Channeled by Tracie Mahan'



Releasing the Old Story workshop
This is a transformational workshop that will be targeting the deeper stories within your subconscious mind and your inner responses to the world around you. This workshop will be moving you into a new way of looking at life, love, how you see yourself and the world you live in.

As you step into a new version of you, the rest of the world will have no choice but to respond to the way you are showing up in your truest form and best self.

It is time for the new story to support you and bring you to your dreams.




Online Workshop for Sunday June 20th

This is a transformational workshop that will be targeting the deeper stories within your subconscious mind and your inner responses to the world around you. This workshop will be moving you into a new way of looking at life, love, how you see yourself and the world you live in.

As you step into a new version of you, the rest of the world will have no choice but to respond to the way you are showing up in your truest form and best self.

It is time for the new story to support you and bring you to your dreams.



Ascension Activation Session

Working with Tracie and Arcturian Daniel was truly a transformational experience. I was able to feel myself as one with Source and all that is and see all aspects of my life from that perspective. The healing, understanding and growth we created together is palpable in my life after the session. My partner even mentioned the marked shift he sees in me. I am grateful for Tracie and her wise guidance as a facilitator and activator. I highly recommend having a session with her if you are ready to more clearly step into who you are and what you came here for. -MD