Changing Timelines – Segment with Arcturian Daniel and Friends
30% off
Together we are all celebrating the change of seasons, embracing the beautiful fall weather coming in. With that celebration I wanted to offer a 30% off code for one of the workshop bundles offered on my website! Put the word Magic in the “ad promo code” location when purchasing this bundle and save an additional 30% 🤩 off from the already discounted price.
Click here to buy your bundle
Awakening from the Matrix
October 16th @ 2 p.m. pacific time.
This will be a powerful hour with Arcturian Daniel, as you move through the illusions that are your perceived realities, and wake up into new possibilities. How to take your control back, and experience a life of your own creation on your terms.
Click here to sign up
Online Channeling and Light Language workshop
This workshop will be conducted through zoom video
Channeling beautiful benevolent beings from higher realms, and speaking your star or light language is so healing and transformative. Come join this workshop on October 23rd and 24th to work with your own natural ability to channel and speak your star-seed language.
Tracie will instruct in this course as well as bringing Arcturian Daniel in throughout the workshop to help you find your true path to connecting, and receiving information from your collectives.
This workshop will be interactive and fun. You will put your skills to practice and be a part of a collective channel at the end as well.
Your Star Council is waiting to bring you messages! To get signed up now, just click the link below and save your spot for this workshop.
Spots are limited.
Messages from Daniel for the Listeners. – Channeled Segment from Arcturian Daniel and friends.
Wish upon a star! – 5 card pull/reading
Galactic and Dimensional Journeys
If you missed the live workshop, but you would still like to participate in the Galactic journeys, you can now purchase the audio version on my website.
Here is a testimonial from Judy, who participated in the live workshop.
“The Galactic and Dimensional Journeys workshop was very powerful and jam packed with so many different components!
I personally experienced so much!
A shifting of perspective on the components that make up Earth, fun in the Dragon Realm, travels to a water world, meeting with Galactic Councils, activating crystals and the grid, and so much more!!!
What an amazing experience!!
Tracie is highly skilled in this work and I thoroughly recommend this and all her other workshops.”
Description of workshop:
In this workshop Tracie channels in Arcturian Daniel, as well as others, for a wonderful 2 hour journey through dimensions, time and other galaxies. This is a time for downloads, activations and transformations.
It is an incredible adventure you learn more about the expansive part of you, and finding new perspectives in life.
While on this Journey you will talk to councils as well as hearing from 3 Galactic teachers, who speak to you about your purpose, your gifts and help you step more into your truth.
May you enjoy the journey, and find your way to the deeper parts of who you are.