You may be facing a challenge right now in your life, there are lessons in these moments and things we can learn in the experience. Ask God and the Angels to come help you see what it is the experience is bringing you. Be open to taking some steps that might be different than you would normally take. Be ready to forgive situations that in the past you would not have forgiven, and be open to a beautiful change that is ready for you when you do this.
There are many miracles and blessing in our lives. Each day we have things we can look back on and see where the blessing were placed in our path. Sometimes it is in the painful things that the blessings soon show themselves. Reflect on today and find your blessings.
How was everyone’s day today? Mine was a wonderment of wonky with a little twist of synchronicity and then wrapped it up with some great sessions and amazing people. Sometimes something doesn’t work so something else can. 😉 Don’t let a change of plans get you down, it is making room for something else to come in.
September Specials
I am running some September specials right now for all the new beginnings and of course the endings that are getting us to the new beginnings. Contact me to set up an appointment.
More and more I am witnessing people manifesting their desires. Lots of shifting and changing going on in the world. So a huge reminder to everyone, PLEASE keep your mind on your desires. The world is responding to you, so put out the thoughts and desires that bring to you a wonderful life. Keep your hamster wheel of negative replays in a closet. Don’t let it consume your thoughts, or you will just manifest more negativity, and it will be hard to see your way out of it. Happiness begins with you. See yourself in happy settings having fun and enjoying life.
I have a theme that keeps coming up in readings, and also for a reminder to myself. We need to all pray more. Pray over your families, your homes, your jobs, your health, your love life and so on. We hold power in our prayers. Ask God for help. Ask to receive the highest good that is in alignment with you. Prayers are powerful and prayers in groups are amplified and even more powerful. Find your trusted friends that support you and you them, and Pray in your blessings. Then hold great gratitude for those blessings.
Listen to our new episode Truth at ‪#‎BlogTalkRadio‬
So many unknowns in our reality. Every day is an adventure when you are seeking your spiritual truth and enlightenment. Who are we? Where are we from? Why are we here? where do we go when we leave? …age old questions that seem to drive us all to seek more information about our existence. Every day I learn something new and powerful. I understand more and more about our self inflicted limitations. How to manifest and create by the mere knowing that we can do anything. Infinite possibilities. Go grab some of your infinite possibilities today!
Angel message: So many of you are going through a transition of some kind right now. This is no accident. The timing and the energy of your planet supports your changes. We know that it can cause discomfort and feel harsh at times, so we ask you to call us in for help in these areas. Keep up the good work. You are stronger than you think you are. Rise above the issues you face today and see the bigger picture. You are so very loved and we honor your strength and kindness in this world that you live in. We could only hope we would do as well as you. God/Universe supports you, learn how to use this support in a way you desire and in your highest and best good. Love ~The Angels.
International Best Seller!!
Today the book ‘Guided by the Light – Following your Angelic Guides’ came out and we made International Best Seller within a couple hours. So excited to be sharing this with all of you!
Order your own Copy right here: