New Session Available!!

Ascension Activation Sessions now Available.

Up to 2 hrs of Channeled Calibrations and light codes, meeting off planet councils, visiting other realms, clearing energy blocks, soul tuning, scanning your aura for any vibrational discrepancies and more.  Each session is individual therefore no two sessions are alike. In your session you will be taken on a journey as I channel your personal Light Council that has vibrational activation and information for you.

*This session can be done in person, by phone or by video.


Ascension Activation Session

We are multi-dimensional beings, and as such, it is possible to have experiences in other realms. Yesterday, on a fantastic journey, where neither of us knew where it was going to go, we jumped into the Fairy realm. The colors were bright and alive, the feelings were intensified and the information that came in was invaluable. When we open our minds to infinite possibilities, anything can happen! #LoveMyLife

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Leveling UP!

More and more in my sessions, people are coming that are ready for the next level. Downloads and activations are taking place. It has been a very magical journey to share that with clients. My personal experience with these sessions is that the Arcturians will come in through a channel. They share messages and healing for the client. Life has never been so interesting and magical.

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Meditation ‘Heal the World’

Sharing a meditation I did for Beacon of Light Radio during the November shows. Only ONE show left, this Wednesday at 6 p.m. Pacific time! Tune in as Valerie Camozzi and myself take you on one last Journey through Consciousness!

QHHT session

How much can a past life affect this one you are currently in? …well, cellular memory can really play some games with us, like when you get in the water and you think you can breathe! What did that past life end up being? Why, a Mermaid of course! 🙂 #QHHT #QuantumHealingHypnosisTechnique #Atlantis

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Tune in for tonight’s show!

Because of the Holiday we pre-recorded the show, but in doing so we ended up with a channel from the Arcturian Council. The Arcturian that was speaking had lots to say about the Ascension, and what is going on with our world and with human kind. Tune in to find out more!
6 p.m. Pacific / 9 p.m. Eastern on Beacon of Light Radio!

Image may contain: 2 people, including Tracie Mahan CHt, people smiling, text