Healing the pain of Earth and Self- Channeled Segment with Daniel and Friends.
Ultimate Soulmate Love- 5 card pull/reading Jan 3rd to 9th
2021, What does it hold? Channeled Segment with Arcturian Daniel and Friends.
Reflections of Ascension Activation through my client
My client today sent me her reflections from her Ascension Session.
I enjoyed it so much I wanted to share it. #WOW #themagicisreal #ascensionactivationsession #PowerfulShiftsHereNow
“Coming home.
I have always longed to come home.
Home to self.
Home to purpose.
Home to identity.
How does one come home when my one is really 19.
19 different timelines.
19 different identities.
19 different incarnations.
12 off this planet and 7 on this planet.
Of course there is purpose and necessity in delving into all of these 19 but not so much so that I lose sight of this one I am consciously tapped into.
So for now let us focus here.
In this body.
In this realm.
In this timeline.
A master manifestor.
A keeper and shifter and healer of light.
I am a portal.
I am the physical form of energies that represent all that was, all that is and all that is one day to become.
I have the ability of tearing through the protective layer of energy human’s unknowingly shield themselves with to find the core.
The core of our truth.
Of our existence.
Of our purpose.
And that truth is coded in the fibers of earth.
In noticing and appreciating the way nature and human interact.
It is the only tangible evidence we have that resembles the way the universe is only but a mere part of the larger scale – the mult-verse.
And until we understand and honor that connection – we will be limited to human consciousness which can not fathom what lies beyond the multi-verse.
Coming home is not about coming home to our physical self.
It is about coming home to the ways of the Earth.
To knowing when it is about to rain by the way the leaves change direction, the animals fall to the ground for rest, by the way the air shifts and smells.
It is about tuning into our senses in order to see – with our body.
Full body seeing – one that uses all of the senses and trusts what you receive.
What does the divine feminine mean?
How do I harvest and awaken the divine feminine?
And why me – when I feel so disconnected from my inner feminine?
When I am healing.
When I am channeling.
When I am creating – I am in my divine feminine.
It is here – where people see me and I see them.
It is the place of nurture but also of neutrality.
It is the place where our stories meet.
As a mother – to the land we protect and honor.
As a mother – to the human we hold and nurture.
As a mother – to the dreams we create and inspire.
As a mother – to the cosmos we remain open and neutral.
We passively observe.
We dutifully watch.
My right hand holds the power of femininity.
It sees with touch.
It dances with energy.
It calls the soul of this body and of those I encounter home.
To the Earth.
To their core.
While the whole world focuses on expansion.
It is my role to focus on moving inward.
It is my role to carve the tunnels inward that souls will travel to meet their origin.
A gatekeeper.
A holder of light.
Waiting for the moment the sleeping souls rise.
Clothing the base of their homes in a golden light.
Until they feel safe to emerge.
One can only emerge if they first journeyed within.
As I have done.
A wounded healer.
Someone who has made the journey from light to dark and back to light again.
I am becoming a master manifestor in this realm – in this body.
Using my mind and my voice – things will come to life.
As my third eye awakens – I will begin to struggle discerning reality from my third eye visions.
This will be proof that I am in my highest state.
Light activations for me will hold new language, new traditions, new ceremonial practices, new information, new DNA, new physical and energetic pathways, codes and structures.
I will begin to see myself in all living things – in trees, in plants, in animals, in weather, in other human beings, in music, in artwork.
It is through life I will understand what is within me internally.
There is a cosmos within me.
There is fire – warmth, passion, life.
There is water – emotion, femininity, grace.
There is air – movement, freedom, expansion.
There is earth – soil, the grounding energy, the inner earth beings and their energy.
I am a kaleidoscope of light – of energy – of purpose.
Understood by a select few and yet a welcomed sight to many.
I am an artist of words, of energy, of ritual.
It will take lifetimes to understand and de-code all there is that makes me, me.
But I find peace in knowing that I am one of 19.
That is what makes me whole.”
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