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So many unknowns in our reality. Every day is an adventure when you are seeking your spiritual truth and enlightenment. Who are we? Where are we from? Why are we here? where do we go when we leave? …age old questions that seem to drive us all to seek more information about our existence. Every day I learn something new and powerful. I understand more and more about our self inflicted limitations. How to manifest and create by the mere knowing that we can do anything. Infinite possibilities. Go grab some of your infinite possibilities today!
Angel message: So many of you are going through a transition of some kind right now. This is no accident. The timing and the energy of your planet supports your changes. We know that it can cause discomfort and feel harsh at times, so we ask you to call us in for help in these areas. Keep up the good work. You are stronger than you think you are. Rise above the issues you face today and see the bigger picture. You are so very loved and we honor your strength and kindness in this world that you live in. We could only hope we would do as well as you. God/Universe supports you, learn how to use this support in a way you desire and in your highest and best good. Love ~The Angels.
International Best Seller!!
Today the book ‘Guided by the Light – Following your Angelic Guides’ came out and we made International Best Seller within a couple hours. So excited to be sharing this with all of you!
Order your own Copy right here:
Book-Guided by the Light
Guided by the Light – Following Your Angelic Guides , Compiled By: Jewels Rafter
Co-Authored By: Vanessa Krichbaum, Tracy Lacroix, Michelle Hanson O’Reggio, Kimla Dodds, Tracie Mahan CHt, Maureen Morningdove, Julia Dudley, Roni Campbell, Brian Calhoun, Christine Gilmour, Josée Leduc, Deb Bergersen, Erica Johansen, Anu Wyskiel, Gabriella Studor, Helen Wisely-Cline, Barbara Grace Reynolds, Wendy Till James, Jennifer Del Villar
#LWLPublishing #AnitaSechesky #JewelsRafter #DebBergersen #Angels#ExcitedBeyondBelief #May20LaunchDay #TracieMahan #KimlaDodds#AnuWyskiel #VanessaKrichbaum #TracyLacroix#MichelleHansonOReggio #MaureenMorningdove #JuliaDudley#RoniCampbell #BrianCalhoon #ChristineGilmour #JoséeLeduc#HelenWiselyCline #BarbaraGraceReynolds #WendyTillJames#JenniferDelVillar #Love
There are too many times when life doesn’t look like you thought it would, yet everything turns out alright in the end. Trust the path you are on. Know that your life can be happy, if you choose to be happy while on your path. This is often easier said than done, but when you make that shift you will understand how it all works.
Angel message: Today when you go out into the world, make it a point to shine bright. Be the Light in someone else’s darkness. You never know when the opportunity will come to change a life for the better. You hold wisdom and it is time to share that wisdom through random acts of kindness and love.
We are in some confusing times of what is real and what is not. Things going on around us that are amazing, beautiful and unbelievable. Then there are those things that are appalling, scary and heartbreaking. As you continue to shift and raise your awareness in this world your experiences will change. Keep your mind on the beauty and keep moving toward the solutions. The solutions of building your reality around love based things. That is how we shift the greater experience. Send love to all, eventually it will reach them.
Time heals and hindsight brings answers. Maybe you don’t understand what is going on in your life right now, but this too shall pass, and your answers will come. Hang in there, it will all make sense eventually. Know you are loved and never alone.
Who you are will change daily. Make room in your mind and heart for these shifts to happen for you. Remember to do the same for all those around you as well. We are here to evolve and learn, to NOT follow that with all your heart, in the manner of which you choose to in this life, is like saying NO to your soul, and sending it to bed with no supper! What does your heart desire? How do you allow that in? Make some changes in your life every day that lead you to this desire. You are a master manifester and co-creator of your life. Step in and start allowing and creating.