Sometimes we have to pull out the good fight to keep moving forward with our lives. If you are facing a challenge today, big or small, your Angels want you to know that they are with you every step of the way. Hand your worries and fears over to them and let them carry this for you. You are very loved and you are very important to this world. Call on your Spiritual helpers to get you through the hard times.

New to New Day Awakenings serves’s ….Skype calling.

Have you ever just gotten to that point where you are DONE?! Hammered?! Kaput?! Finished?! Nothing left?! Can’t do it anymore?! ….Yay! That is when you know you are ready for that big thing that is coming next. Hang in there, the change you have been looking for is right at your finger tips.

Today is a day that reminds us of how powerful our thoughts can be. The message behind the 1’s is about our thoughts and their manifesting power. Today being 1-11 I thought I would just post a little reminder of how amazing and creative we are. Just remember, we create what we are thinking about and feeling….. where are your thoughts and feelings today? What are you creating with that? Happy thoughts and Happy Sunday everyone!


As the world continues to change in so many ways, more and more people are “Waking up” to the call and the need to fulfill their path in life. Changing the very energy of this planet. Focusing more on the positive things in life and putting energy into love and peace. There is no choice but to CHANGE. We are the creators of this change, so lets all put our minds and thoughts together today and think loving and peaceful thoughts. Calling on everyone today to be an Earth Angel in some way. Lets all hold the faith that we CAN and WILL make a difference. ♥

Surrounding yourself with people who support you and hold your dreams with you, through the ups and downs, are the best way to speed up your manifesting into the new year. Make sure you are being supported by the ones you love, and please be sure to send your support to them as well. Magnify the power of Manifesting!