Message for the day.

There are times we all go through shifts in our lives. Some good some not so good….but keep the faith that they are all leading us to something greater. God has a plan for you and some times it is the times we feel the most pressure in life that the greatest changes are being made within us. Trust in your heart and where it is leading you. If you feel you have hit a wall, it may not be your path that is wrong, it may just be you need to change directions on how you were getting there. Remember you are loved always on your journey. ♥

Stuck in-between. A story of departed loved ones.

Often times we think of our loved ones that have past on. Along with those thoughts our hearts are usually filled with love and fond memories. This is not always the case though, as some times these loved ones have passed before their time or have taken their own lives. I am here to tell you that you can still find your peace with that. In the last month or so I have had a couple of encounters with loved ones who have been stuck on the earth plane. What does this mean? This means that they have not fully crossed over to the other side or Heaven as we call it. They are stuck or lost as it may seem. With a little bit of help they can find their way to the light. First though it is important to find out why they choose not to go. ….for instance on one of the cases the gentleman was grieving his decision to take his own life and desperately wanted his family to know he was sorry. He was tied to their grief by what is called etheric cords and those cords were holding him prisoner to this plane or level he was on. Once he knew his family was going to receive the message of his regret and apology, he was able to cross over and start working on his lessons on the other side (Heaven). We asked this gentleman to send us a sign he has made it and is safe in Heaven and his sign to us was a sunflower. It was amazing to me how quickly and in what unique ways he was bring forward the sunflowers. It was such a gift to be able to help in that situation and I pray his healing and the healing of his family will continue and their love will grow.

The other story I have for you is of a young man who passed from an illness at a young age. He did not want to leave and his passing made him very sad. He had dreams of becoming great things and family that he wanted to grow up with and do normal everyday kid things with. This was cut short by his illness and passing. He did not want to go, therefore he got stuck in this space of what I call the in-between. He showed up with an aunt of his that was coming to see me for a reading. The reading took a turn when I realized he was in the room and that he was heavy with sadness. We paused for a moment and took time to call in his loved ones, Angels, Guides, Jesus and all help in the highest and best good…. I called on this young man and asked him why he had not crossed over? He didn’t want to leave his family. Once I let him know he could visit them when ever he wanted and be able to do even greater things for them and with them from the other side he was ready to go. He crossed over easily and joyfully. His sign to us that he made it safely to the other side (Heaven) was a feather. That was last night……today as I was in a Reiki share a friend had grabbed her singing bowl from the counter and a beautiful feather flouted softly to the ground….it brought a tear to my eyes as I thanked her for bringing the feather today. She said she did not bring the feather and neither did the other gal that was there. Where did this feather come from? …..I have no doubt in my mind where it came from.

I pray for peace for all of us here on earth and for all of our family members who have gone on before us. I am blessed to know you.