Hoping everyone spent time in love yesterday. It is a great day to remind us all that love is the answer and the key to this world and our evolution on it. It is a great time in our history where we see the importance of loving one another and the planet we live on, as well as all living things on this planet. There is a lot of darker energies out there that would like to grab our attention and give their darkness our energy. Stop when this happens and focus on the solutions, not the problems. Focus on the place of peace and resolution for us and for all our resources on the planet. Know that the answers are out there, and we have access to them. Lets create the good life, TOGETHER!

Change is always in the air, without change life would stand still. So make it a point every day to envision the change you desire. Show God and the Angels what it is you would like for your life. Play a big part consciously in creating your reality. Beginning now!

Angel Message: A softness is asked of you right now. For yourself and for others. Be aware of the bold new energy and direct it toward loving acts of kindness. You will feel things on a deeper level right now, so channel that emotion to something that will benefit the greater good.